About Kerri

I’ve been working with technology for most of my life, starting at an early age on a Commodore 64. I still fondly remember the beige computer with slow floppy disk drive and learning BASIC from the manual. I love to develop apps (mobile and desktop)], and to help others do the same. I am an avid photographer, and can be found out and about making pictures of just about anything. I’m also an IT Consultant, working with websites and databases. I’ve written several books about mobile app development, and I’m active on various social networks — some more than others.

Personally, I love to work with my fresh-water aquariums. I have two: a 37 gallon aquarium and a 20 gallon aquarium. Favorite fish include Bettas, Platys, Pictus, Plecos, and Catfish. I also enjoy performing and composing music. My favorite instrument is the piano.

If you’d like to inquire about consulting work, or anything in general, contact me.